The Leaves Of Ginkgo Biloba Are In The Sun-Ginkgo Biloba L.

The leaves of Ginkgo biloba are in the sun-Ginkgo biloba L.

It is a deciduous tree of the ginkgo family and Ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo is a large deciduous tree with a DBH of up to 4 meters. The bark of the young tree is nearly smooth and pale gray. The bark of the big tree is brown, irregular and rough, with long branches and slow growing short branches. The crown of the young and the young is conical, and the old is broadly ovate. The branches are nearly whorled and sloping up. The fruit of Ginkgo biloba is commonly known as Ginkgo biloba, so ginkgo is also known as white fruit tree. Ginkgo trees grow slowly and life is very long. Under natural conditions, it will take more than 20 years from planting to ginkgo fruit, and forty years later, they will be able to produce large amounts of fruit.